LASEA invites the JNPLI 2016
The 2016 edition of the “Journées Nationales des Procédés Laser pour l’Industrie (JNPLI)” will be held for the first time in Belgium and more precisely at the “Château de Colonster” in Liège. The organizers of this special edition are: CLUB LASER & PROCEDES (CLP), LASEA, CEWAC and SIRRIS. JNPLI is a major event dedicated to industrial laser technologies and their advances. It offers an overview of the latest innovations and recently implemented laser applications.
The program of Tuesday 28 and Wednesday, June 29 will include:
• Laser processing demonstrations and visits will be organized in LASEA, SIRRIS, CEWAC and Liege’s Spatial Centre (CSL)
• Conferences on topics related to 3D manufacturing : additive manufacturing, metal welding, micro-machining & texturing, transparent materials processing, advanced beam shaping & delivery
• Visit the brewery of “Abbaye du Val-Dieu” and diner drawing inspiration from local products
For more information on the event and registration: